Cambridge Connection

It is hard to believe that it is January 2024! It is my hope that your families were able to celebrate the holidays together and with peace. Our new trimester is only 3

weeks old so I am going to ask that as we head further into the month, please be sure to be checking MiStar to see your student’s progress. Within

the Cambridge High School program, students are given time to complete their assignments. What we are finding is that many of the students are so focused on their cell phones that they are not getting their work turned in within a good time frame. Keep in mind, teachers take late work for several weeks before they close their turn in window but that

if students would complete their work in class they would not get stressed near the end of each trimester. Please speak with your student to remind them that when they are at school their focus needs to be on school

and not their phones. You would be shocked to see how many students are in the classroom or the hallway texting, Face Timing, scrolling through social media or playing

games. When teachers speak to

students about the phone issues, many students become disrespectful or dismissive. We live in a world where cell phones are the norm but, as parents/guardians, you can still assist us by talking with your student about what your academic expectation is of them. Do you expect them to be in school regularly? Do

you expect them to complete their work and turn it in? Do you expect them to pass the classes they are taking? Hopefully, the answer to these questions is yes. If so, please have this conversation with your student on a daily basis. I look forward to continuing to see your student be successful in their class and work towards graduation. It is very important that we have the families as our partners to make sure our goals can be our student’s realiti es.

Click HERE to take you to the Garden City Public School Student Code of Conduct Page.

The Garden City Schools Student Code of Conduct is issued by the Garden City Board of Education for the information and guidance of students, parents, teachers and administrators. The goal is to provide a fair code that protects students while, at the same time, retains for school officials the necessary authority to maintain order and to provide a good educational experience for the students in the district.

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